02 March 2012

Recoding the battle system...

I'm currently rewriting the Das Minneschwert battle engine almost entirely... What a pain. But the old code was buggy, massive, redundant, and impossible to maintain, so here I go. At the moment, the engine can
  1. choose the correct turn order based on each character's speed,
  2. prompt the user for input if it's a PC's turn,
  3. and allow the PC to attack (damage) an enemy.
Selecting an enemy to attack is something I forgot to implement right away, so poor Latte attacks himself in the demo (lol).
I feel happiness that I'm finally able to do the things I want to do with computer programming.
Creative Commons License
the best smile by garrick is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. Background graphic: 719 - Deep Space - Pattern / Patrick Hoesly / CC BY 2.0.